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Wondering who’s going to show up at your door if you hire us for your home electrical project?

In today’s blog, we’d like to introduce you to Steve, one of our main electrical service technicians. You’ll get an idea of Steve’s past experience, what his relationship with customers is like, and what makes working at Western Integrated Home special.

Steve, how long have you been an electrician?

I started with my father when I was in high school, and he had a Class A certificate. He used to get me to go through a crawl space, because it was really easy for a kid compared to an adult. He would push something down a hole and ask me to pull it through, for example. So I’ve been involved in the field for 45 years.

Read more: Hiring an Electrician? Here’s What to Look For

Can you tell us a bit about your work experience? What types of electrical projects have you typically focused on?

Most of my experience has been custom homes, renovations of high-end homes, and some multi-family construction. That has been the bulk of it, though I have done work on hotels, gas stations, banks, and some light industrial work as well. For work on homes, it’s mainly kitchen renovations. That’s what most people tend to be concerned about. Kitchens are first and bathrooms are second.

What is your approach to safety and cleanliness while on the job?

Safety needs to be the top priority. There are often non-trades people, children, and pets nearby that need to be protected from potential hazards. You can’t just leave a live wire open and walk away. As far as cleanliness is concerned, I like to leave it as clean or cleaner than I found it. I’ll wear floor protectors when I go into someone’s house and do some work to make sure I’m not tracking in any dirt. And I have rolls of carpet protector and a vacuum in the truck as well. We bring all these things to make sure we keep the people’s homes clean.

Do customers often return to you for repeat work? Can you describe any long-term relationships you have with customers?

I’ve had repeat customers for 25 years. They call me because they get to know me and trust that I’m there to get the job done, not to make a killing. Sometimes they wouldn’t even ask for a price, they would trust me to do it without ripping them off. I’ve had lots of long-term, repeat customers in my career.

What up-and-coming electrical projects are you most excited about now?

The most interesting stuff on the horizon is electric vehicles. There’s some talk of actually using the battery of your vehicle when it’s plugged into your home. Especially in emergency situations, if the electrical grid went out for example, you could supply energy to your home with your EV battery. I find the area of sustainable, renewable energy to be very exciting.

Read more: 3 Practical Benefits of a Home EV Charging Station

How long have you worked with Western Integrated? What do you like most about working at Western Integrated Home?

I’ve worked at Western Integrated for two years. First off, the management staff is great. One of the other things I like about Western Integrated Home is they’re vertically integrated—engineers and electronics technicians work together and their expertise helps. If I have an issue I can’t solve, I can ask someone and get an answer quickly.

What makes Western Integrated Home unique compared to other residential electrical providers?

It’s the knowledge of the staff and the experience they have behind them. That they can provide solutions for people’s projects. We’re always up-to-date on the latest and newest products that are coming out. And our organizational skills and attention to detail are top notch. It seems simple, but not all electrical companies are organized.

>> To schedule a consultation with Steve, contact us here. We look forward to serving you!